Saturday, 18 February 2012

At the doctor's....

I'm just like any other mum, worried when my child gets sick. No matter how much confidence we have in our ability to care for a sick child, having our child checked-out at the doctor's always seemed to alleviate our worry, even for just a bit. This is what I decided to do yesterday, despite my instincts telling me that perhaps I could just "wait and see" and just ensure my child was taking enough fluids and having as much rest as possible and he would recover soon enough.

So I took my team of 4 kids to the clinic and joined the long queue there. They had been fed, so the first half hour was quite uneventful.The 3 little ones went about their usual "trying to read every single pamphlet or magazine available" mode and shared ideas on how to make the wait more tolerable. Then the next half hour began and the two boys decided they had spent enough time on the chairs sitting nicely. The moment they set their feet on the floor, I was in for more trouble! They spent a good 10 minutes trying to assess the space available to them for running around. Then another 10 minutes devising a game of hide and seek around the clinic space. As we entered the last 10 minutes of our one and a half hour wait, they began to become really excited and loud that they didn't hear me anymore! That's when the doctor's assistant popped her head out the door and yelled at my kids to pipe-down and threatened my kids with being injected by the doctor!!! Boy, was I cross! Alas I didn't have time to do or say anything as we got called into the other doctor's room!

If not for the peace-of-mind of having medication to last the weekend (though he seemed okay whilst creating a storm at the clinic), I think I may have got into a tiff with that doctor's assistant! Yes, in this case, patience is definitely a virtue! Well, lesson learned, try not to go to the doctor's on a Saturday morning. Secondly, always be prepared to endure the bored-child turns "Energizer rabbit" phenomena and be able to develop "thick skin" to handle the kids! Well, kids will be kids wherever they are!

Alhamdulillah, he has his supply of meds (in case he needs them) and I have my composure intact. We'll try avoiding Saturday morning crowds at the doctor's next time...or better still, let's try our best to stay healthy! InshaAllah!!!

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